Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 4603
Author(s): Hairston, Julia L.
Title : Skirting the Issue: Machiavelli's Caterina Sforza
Source: Renaissance Quarterly (Full Text via JSTOR) 53, 3 (Autumn 2000): 687-712. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2000.

2. Record Number: 6461
Author(s): Bausi, Francesco.
Title : Machiavelli e Caterina Sforza [after her husband, Girolamo Riario of Forlì, was murdered, Caterina Sforza gained control of the castel in the city by a stratagem; Machiavelli used the most fantastic and vulgar of the stories that had reached him in the "Discourses;" later he used the simplest and most credible in his "Florentine Histories"].
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 149., ( 1991):  Pages 887 - 892.
Year of Publication: 1991.